Matte Paper

Matte Paper for Labeling

Matte paper is one of the popular materials used in roll-label printing. The non-glossy surface of the paper is perfect for printing intricate designs, as it reduces the glare that can make labels difficult to read. Matte paper also has a more natural, organic look and feel than other types of paper, which can be particularly appealing for brands that want to convey a more environmentally friendly or down-to-earth image. However, it is not a suitable choice for labels that will be exposed to high levels of humidity, as the paper can become saturated and the ink may bleed or smudge. Please note that our printing UV inks are shiny and if the label design covers the whole label with colorful, vivid artwork in that case you won’t get a matte look.

All surface finishing options (gloss, matte laminations, UV Varnish, etc.) are available for Matte Paper material. However, gloss lamination or gloss UV varnish makes using Matte paper pointless.

Adhesive: Tockified emulsion acrylic. General purpose, strong permanent adhesive. Good adhesion to all standard substrates, including non-polar surfaces, films and corrugated board. Good low-temperature performance.

Minimum Application Temperature: 32 °F

Service Temperature: -4 to 176 °F

Liner: #40 paper liner

Shelf Life: 12 month(s) when stored at 72° F, 50% RH
Not recommended for labeling highly curved surfaces.

Main points: 

  • weight: 60# (90G)
  • one of the most popular material
  • cost-effective
  • easily tears
    not suitable for outdoor and humid environment
  • can be used with all surface finishing options (lamination, varnish, etc.)
  • Permanent adhesive.
  • Non-glossy surface, organic look
  • #40 paper line

See other papers:

High-Gloss Paper Semi-Gloss Paper

The performance of the product should always be tested in the actual application conditions. Our recommendations are based on our most current knowledge and experience. As our products are used in conditions beyond our control, we cannot assume any liability for damage caused through their use. Users of our products are solely responsible that the product is suitable for its intended application, and have determined such at their sole discretion. Users must comply with any applicable legislation and/ or testing requirements for the finished article, and are responsible for bringing their products to market.
This publication does not constitute any warranty, express or implied, and is intended only for the recipient and cannot therefore be transferred to any third party. We cannot assume any liability for the use of our products in conjunction with other materials.

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